About Elizabeth Hewitt

Elizabeth Hewitt holds a degree in elementary education and taught in both public and private schools before transitioning to the field of communications with her husband Reed. Through her love of teaching, Liz has also been a Bible study leader to a variety of ages over the years. Liz and Reed work together as a dynamic communications team. For the past thirteen years, they have served businesses and ministries through a range of media projects, from creating websites to copywriting to video production. Liz and Reed were high school sweethearts and have been married since 2005. In 2013, God laid the vision of Living Strategically on their hearts and they began creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, and eBooks, hoping to impact their culture for Christ.

Strategic Insights from Isaiah

By |2021-07-23T11:40:12-05:00May 26th, 2020|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

God used Isaiah to proclaim some of the most well-known passages in the Bible about the Savior of the World. God can use us, too, for His divine purposes. But we must be careful to live as godly men and women, following Isaiah's example. Today, let's all apply these strategic insights from the book of Isaiah to our lives and see how God uses it.

Podcast Ep. 15 | Reaching Financial Freedom

By and |2021-06-22T15:54:14-05:00April 17th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

In the final episode of our podcast series on managing money and possessions as wise stewards, we take a look at what it means to find true financial freedom. We talk about our goals as we aim for financial freedom, and the character traits required to get there. We also share our take on Dave Ramsey's "baby steps", as a guide for transforming your finances.

Podcast Ep. 14 | Debt-Free Living

By and |2021-06-22T15:53:02-05:00April 13th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

When it comes to personal finance, one of the best lessons to learn is avoiding the use of debt. Debt has become widely accepted in our culture, to the point where some would argue that they cannot survive without it. We are here to tell you there is a better way. When you invite God into your finances, you can live a debt-free lifestyle.

Podcast Ep. 13 | Cultivating Contentment

By and |2021-06-22T15:55:51-05:00April 8th, 2020|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

In this podcast episode, we ask ourselves, “Do we have enough?” and “How can Christians find true and lasting happiness?” The answers can be found in cultivating contentment in our lives. We believe that contentment is not about a number, or achieving a certain amount of wealth to be satisfied. It's about the attitude of the heart, being content with whatever God blesses you with to manage for His glory.

5 Keys to Living a Strategic Life (Video)

By and |2022-12-30T14:28:58-06:00February 25th, 2020|Categories: Videos|Tags: , , |

How do you live a strategic life? How do you make the most of the resources that God has entrusted to your care, and avoid the pitfalls that distract you from His calling on your life?

In this video, we share 5 keys for Christians to live intentionally and effectively. When these 5 strategic elements come together, Christians can live the fruitful and abundant life that God has called us to live.