About Elizabeth Hewitt

Elizabeth Hewitt holds a degree in elementary education and taught in both public and private schools before transitioning to the field of communications with her husband Reed. Through her love of teaching, Liz has also been a Bible study leader to a variety of ages over the years. Liz and Reed work together as a dynamic communications team. For the past thirteen years, they have served businesses and ministries through a range of media projects, from creating websites to copywriting to video production. Liz and Reed were high school sweethearts and have been married since 2005. In 2013, God laid the vision of Living Strategically on their hearts and they began creating blog posts, videos, podcasts, and eBooks, hoping to impact their culture for Christ.

Podcast Ep. 9 | Living More Simply

By and |2020-06-25T12:26:27-05:00September 23rd, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Simple living is an attitude of the heart that God calls His children to live by in order to find true fulfillment. The world will tell you to aim for quantity over quality, but that actually leads to a stressful life. When we stay content with a more simple lifestyle, it helps us prioritize the essential and live more intentionally.

Podcast Ep. 8 | Living Unhindered

By and |2020-07-01T20:22:16-05:00September 7th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Sometimes we come against obstacles that hinder our effectiveness as Christians, even hindering us from fulfilling our life’s calling. When we walk by the Spirit, it keeps us on the straight and narrow, because we see sin for what it really is (captivity) and we see submission to God for what it really is (freedom). We need to aim for living unhindered!