Podcast Ep. 4 | Of Pioneers and Homesteaders

By and |2020-06-25T12:24:12-05:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Our journey through 35 states over the course of eight weeks in an RV continues with this week's episode that we are calling "Of Pioneers and Homesteaders". Throughout the trip, we have been reading the Little House on the Prairie book series and learning lessons on contentment and simple living from the Ingalls family and their pioneer lifestyle.

Money, Wealth, and the Book of Proverbs

By and |2021-06-22T15:48:15-05:00July 3rd, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

Proverbs takes many different aspects of our financial lives and reveals the unifying thread: In the long run, prosperity is inextricably linked to character. In this post we have listed 39 passages from Proverbs that cover topics from tithing and generosity to greed and debt. Take a moment to see what these verses say about your approach to money and wealth!

Podcast Ep. 3 | Hedges of Protection

By and |2020-07-01T20:22:03-05:00June 30th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , |

As we travel through 35 states to accomplish a bucket list dream of visiting all 50 states, we have seen some spectacular scenery. God's creation is amazing! And in some areas it can also be dangerous, if we don't heed the warning signs, guardrails, and barriers. Those frequent boundaries that we have seen at tourist stops around the country gave us the idea for today's podcast episode on hedges of protection.

Aiming for Retirement

By |2019-06-30T19:23:22-05:00June 26th, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

Though the world may think otherwise, a fulfilling life does not begin at retirement for a Christian. We all have a God-given purpose to fulfill in our short time on earth, regardless of our age or abilities. Though things may become slower-paced the older we get, it's important to invest each day we are given in ways that serve the Lord and others, for this is the ultimate way to live a fruitful and fulfilling life.

The Names of God

By and |2020-06-25T12:23:26-05:00June 18th, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

In modern English, the names of people and places are important, but they don't necessarily define the thing they refer to. In the Bible, however, names carry great significance. God is very intentional about words—after all, He used words to create the universe—and the words He uses to refer to Himself are a rich source of insight into His nature.

Podcast Ep. 1 | Preparing for a Journey

By and |2020-06-25T12:23:13-05:00June 16th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , |

The brand new Living Strategically podcast is hosted by Reed and Elizabeth Hewitt, who want to help you strategically pursue your God-given purpose and make the most of your time on earth. As the Hewitts prepare for an epic adventure around the US in an RV, they invite listeners to come along on the journey and discover life lessons that God shows them on their travels.

Benefits of Studying the Bible

By |2019-06-25T13:22:49-05:00June 3rd, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

One of the most important benefits of studying God’s Word is growing closer to Him and growing more like Christ. If you want to get to know someone, you spend time listening to them. This is just as true with our relationship with God as it is with our earthly relationships. As we spend more time with God and get to know Him better, an amazing thing happens: we become more like Him. Knowing God and imitating Christ go hand in hand.