Podcast Ep. 9 | Living More Simply

By and |2020-06-25T12:26:27-05:00September 23rd, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Simple living is an attitude of the heart that God calls His children to live by in order to find true fulfillment. The world will tell you to aim for quantity over quality, but that actually leads to a stressful life. When we stay content with a more simple lifestyle, it helps us prioritize the essential and live more intentionally.

Podcast Ep. 8 | Living Unhindered

By and |2020-07-01T20:22:16-05:00September 7th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Sometimes we come against obstacles that hinder our effectiveness as Christians, even hindering us from fulfilling our life’s calling. When we walk by the Spirit, it keeps us on the straight and narrow, because we see sin for what it really is (captivity) and we see submission to God for what it really is (freedom). We need to aim for living unhindered!

Podcast Ep. 7 | Living With Purpose

By and |2020-06-25T12:24:46-05:00August 4th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

It’s been said that everyone ends up somewhere in life. But few people end up somewhere on purpose. If we aren’t careful, we’ll look back one day and realize how quickly our lives have passed us by. That will not be the time to evaluate our life’s purpose and why God has placed us on this earth. If you don’t already know your God-given purpose, then this podcast episode will help you figure it out.

Podcast Ep. 6 | Living A Strategic Life

By and |2020-07-01T20:25:57-05:00July 21st, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , , |

Today we are starting a new series for the Living Strategically podcast where we dive deeper into aspects of a life lived with intention, or as we like to say, “lived strategically”. We explore what we call our "five pillars of Living Strategically” which include: eternal perspective, stewardship, prophetic urgency, freedom, and most importantly…a biblical framework. When these aspects come together, we can live the abundant life that God has called us to live.

Podcast Ep. 4 | Of Pioneers and Homesteaders

By and |2020-06-25T12:24:12-05:00July 7th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , , |

Our journey through 35 states over the course of eight weeks in an RV continues with this week's episode that we are calling "Of Pioneers and Homesteaders". Throughout the trip, we have been reading the Little House on the Prairie book series and learning lessons on contentment and simple living from the Ingalls family and their pioneer lifestyle.

Money, Wealth, and the Book of Proverbs

By and |2021-06-22T15:48:15-05:00July 3rd, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , , |

Proverbs takes many different aspects of our financial lives and reveals the unifying thread: In the long run, prosperity is inextricably linked to character. In this post we have listed 39 passages from Proverbs that cover topics from tithing and generosity to greed and debt. Take a moment to see what these verses say about your approach to money and wealth!

Podcast Ep. 1 | Preparing for a Journey

By and |2020-06-25T12:23:13-05:00June 16th, 2019|Categories: Podcast|Tags: , |

The brand new Living Strategically podcast is hosted by Reed and Elizabeth Hewitt, who want to help you strategically pursue your God-given purpose and make the most of your time on earth. As the Hewitts prepare for an epic adventure around the US in an RV, they invite listeners to come along on the journey and discover life lessons that God shows them on their travels.

Living with a Strategic Mindset

By and |2020-06-25T12:23:02-05:00May 1st, 2019|Categories: Videos|Tags: , |

How do we make the most of the brief, uncertain time we have on earth? You have to have a strategy. Living strategically is all about using our time, energy, money, and abilities in ways that make an impact for eternity. It's investing our temporal assets to gain eternal dividends. It's acting with great intention and purpose, knowing that one day we will give an account to the Lord of our stewardship of His resources.

Managing Your Finances God’s Way

By |2021-06-22T15:42:09-05:00March 20th, 2018|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

When it comes to the topic of money and possessions, the Bible contains over 2,300 verses. Why would God include that many verses on one topic? He knew it was a topic we would need lots of guidance on. Randy Alcorn, one of our favorite authors, says, “The sheer enormity of the Bible’s teaching on this subject screams for our attention.”