Boy Saving Pocket Money In Glass Jar At HomeI was about 8 or 9 years old when I first encountered an ad for a get-rich-quick scheme. It was chock full of smart-sounding financial words and promises of easy money. It all sounded so simple! Just follow their program and become fabulously wealthy in no time flat! Why wasn’t everybody doing this?

Thankfully my dad took the time to explain to me that this “too good to be true” offer was exactly that.

I can look back and smile at the naiveté of my third-grade self, but unfortunately, not every scam is so easy to spot. This world is full of subtle lies and empty promises when it comes to money and possessions, and countless people get caught up in them every day.

But we’re not in this alone. We have a heavenly Father who has taken the time to warn us about financial pitfalls. God knew that money would be one of our biggest struggles, so His Word is full of principles and instructions to guide us.  He explains how to get back on track when we’ve gone astray, and He tells us exactly what it takes to become a success in His eyes.

The Study of Stewardship

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My wife and I have been intrigued by what the Bible says about money and possessions for the past 20 years. Around the time we started our courtship, we also started listening to Christian financial experts like Larry Burkett and Dave Ramsey. Over the past two decades we’ve studied the topic of biblical stewardship, as well as taught it and put into practice. In our latest podcast series, we take a look at the key elements for a biblical understanding of personal finances.  (Scroll to the bottom of this blog post for links to all the episodes.)

If you listen to the podcast, you’ll hear us talk about stewardship a lot. It is an old-timey word, but it’s still very useful today because whether you realize it or not, a steward is exactly what you are. A steward is a person who manages something that belongs to someone else. A steward’s job is to act according to the instructions and interests of the owner. Sure, we all have things that belong to us, but the Bible says that, in the ultimate sense, everything belongs to God simply because He created it all. When you follow that truth to its logical conclusion, it has a profound influence on how you handle money.

A Spiritual Perspective

For one thing, we realize that how we spend “our” money really comes down to spiritual decisions. And if our job is to be stewards, then we probably can’t do a very good job unless our priorities are aligned with those of our Boss.

We also find reassurance in the fact that we are dependent on God, and that He is completely trustworthy! When we do things His way, it actually works out really well for us. (But we also find out how much trouble we can get into when we think we can control everything on our own.)

Above all, the Bible shows us that all the money and all the material possessions that pass through our hands are temporary, but we have an opportunity to use them to accomplish things that will last for eternity.

We hope you’ll join us for this podcast series and embrace what we call the ultimate paradigm shift in your financial life. It may seem daunting at first, but God is faithful to help His children walk in His ways. Don’t get discouraged, and don’t give up. The reward is treasure that will outlast this world!

Biblical stewardship

Podcast Episodes

    • The Ultimate Paradigm Shift (Episode 11)
      Acknowledging that everything under our care ultimately belongs to the Lord.
    • Biblical Stewardship (Episode 12)
      Christians managing God’s resources in accordance with biblical priorities.
    • Cultivating Contentment (Episode 13)
      Living with the attitude of gratefully accepting what God gives, while gracefully releasing what He withholds.
    • Debt-Free Living (Episode 14)
      Viewing debt as bondage and hazardous to our financial health.
    • Reaching Financial Freedom (Episode 15)
      Living an abundant life when we connect our faith with our finances.

Suggested Resources

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