Chapters of Inspiration

By |2020-06-25T10:03:21-05:00March 26th, 2019|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

If you are at a place in your quiet time where you just don’t know what to study next, these chapters of inspiration from the Bible are sure to be engaging and thought provoking. They cover a variety of topics from many different books of the Bible, compiled from years of taking notes in my custom study Bible.

The Fear Factor

By |2019-06-25T13:55:12-05:00February 17th, 2014|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

The phrase “do not be afraid” is listed 48 times in the New King James version of the Bible. The word fear is listed over 400 times! God knew that we would need guidance and instruction on this topic and He provided it. Out of His love for us, He commands us not to fear, fret, or be anxious, and through His presence, He provides the means of resisting fear.

Holiness: Living to Please God

By |2019-06-25T13:56:40-05:00January 31st, 2014|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Sanctification and holiness sound like lofty theological terms, but essentially they mean that we are to be set apart, living to please God. One unknown author said this process is “the Christianizing of the Christian”, and it takes the Holy Spirit changing our heart in order to change our habits.

Finding Favor With God

By |2019-06-25T14:02:52-05:00December 2nd, 2013|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

Favor is a concept that comes up during the Christmas season when reading the biblical story of the birth of Christ. Mary, Jesus’ mother, was one who found favor with God, thus she was chosen to bear God’s one and only Son. There were also many other people in the Bible who, due to their devotion to God, were greatly blessed by Him.

Life Lessons from the Pentateuch

By |2022-04-19T07:30:21-05:00September 24th, 2013|Categories: Articles|Tags: , |

It’s been said that the first five books of the Bible, also known as the Pentateuch, form the theological foundation of the Bible. In the past few months, I’ve been journeying through these books and have learned so much about God’s character and love for mankind, even when we least deserve it. Hopefully this article will be an inspiration for you to rediscover this sometimes neglected part of God’s Word.

Observing the Sabbath

By |2019-06-25T14:06:03-05:00August 29th, 2013|Categories: Articles|Tags: , , |

God is love, which means He wants to protect us from harm. Once we make this connection, we will see the Sabbath as a blessing rather than a burden. It may take some time to readjust your priorities, but don’t get discouraged. In the end, the things that you give up to observe this day of rest may not seem so significant after all.